Poincaré Trajectories

Founded by Matteo Manzi, Poincaré Trajectories aimed to develop software to solve problems at the level of methodological frameworks for both aerospace engineering and quantitative finance and was quickly acquired by CrunchDAO.

Here, I was involved as a manager in the Poincaré Podcast and as a developer for a Julia library in the context of coherent structures. Currently, for work reasons, the projects are on standby.

Poincaré Podcast 🎙

Inevitably inspired by greats like Lex Fridman, Poincaré Podcast, which began with the idea of expanding authors’ knowledge with a learn-in-public approach, was an interview-based show around topics such as machine learning, dynamical systems and data analysis. Here you can find a list of the (amazing) guests.

Poincaré Trajectories - Digital Art Collection 🖼

A NFT collection that marries applied math, blockchain, and music into a single, captivating experience.

The Collection