less than 1 minute read

Hi! πŸ‘‹πŸΌ πŸš€

So this is the first post of a anti-social engineer playing with his first site. Please note, I don’t have an asocial behaviour. I love people.
I hate the way some social are used for. In fact, I made a blog.

Main features of the site are end.
After some effort to reverse-engineer the Micheal Rose layout, here we are. Currently, only minor updates and site fills are needed.

Returning to the main work, data elaboration in ongoing.
The overlap of pressure readings is stucking me. But I’m sure I’ll fix.
At the end of this task, the main features of the paper should emerge. I hope to allign this with Alonso (I’ll use alias), a nice spanish guy I’m following for his thesis.

